Newsletter: September 2020

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An Update from us on COVID-19

And remember, I am with you always; even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
In 2020, it seems that we must be approaching the end of the age. The COVID pandemic, natural disasters and civil unrest have been added to the systemic social problems with poverty at their core. None of us could have anticipated the challenges of these months, yet we still carry the promise of these words from Jesus. His life and teachings keep hope and love forever in our hearts. We continue to respond to his Call in ways that bring comfort and joy to many, while following strict pandemic restrictions. As a result, we can report to you that there have been no COVID cases among those working and volunteering for this ministry. We know you are on the journey with us through your gifts and prayers, and we offer these examples of God at work here.

Weekly Delivery of Goods to the Community
Due to the impacts of COVID, we have partnered with other churches in our community to distribute thousands of food pallets containing fruits and vegetables from our church locations. Rev. Chad Bresson is the lead pastor for The Table of Los Fresnos and has directed these activities with the help of local businesses.

Refugee Transportation
We continue our assistance to refugees. Once asylum seekers are granted permission into the U.S. under “credible fear” provisions of the law, some are entrusted to our care by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. It may be months, or even more than a year, before a formal hearing is set for the asylum case. So we try to facilitate settlement of the refugee with family or benefactors while they wait. This typically involves funding bus transportation and other travel expenses. An average of 30 refugees are helped in this way every month, despite the pandemic.

Refugee Room & Board
Over our decades of ministry in this Valley, we have sought to house and feed those refugees who have nowhere else to turn while waiting for the asylum hearing. This has become more problematic in this pandemic year, as we need to keep persons socially-distanced. We are safely housing 18 persons, our capacity under current restrictions. In addition to room and board, we provide medical and legal assistance through our network of advocates.

We pray our thanks to God for you daily, and petition God for your good health and well-being. It is by God’s grace, and your generosity, that we have remained equipped to serve in these ways. Jesus is indeed with us always.

Rev. F. Feliberto Pereira
Founder and Executive Director


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