Newsletter: April 2020

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Our Lenten Journey

Who among us could have anticipated that our 2020 Lenten journey would include a pandemic that in some way impacts every one of God’s children on this earth? We remember that Jesus’ journey to the cross included 40 days in the wilderness. We are consoled by His endurance then and now, and He is still with us through our bewilderment surrounding COVID-19.

Perhaps it has us all a little more aware of the wilderness journey that so many have undertaken, forced to leave their homes because of violence, torture, war and natural disaster. That’s why you are subscribers to our emails, and why we continue to express our appreciation for your support as we seek to serve refugees here.

That’s also why this letter of encouragement is so important. Just as you are seeing Christ at work in your communities in these days, we are blessed to still minister in His name.

Our Active Ministry: Welcome St. Louis!

We see Jesus in the gifts of prayer, time, talent and treasure that you and others give. A group from St. Louis visited last month and worked wonders by organizing the donations we have received of food, clothing and other items. Pastors and other partners who come to our warehouse for aid marvel at what so many have done to reach out to those in need.

Several of the refugees in our care worked alongside them. Together, they delivered hundreds of pounds of items to directly benefit refugees and the poorest-of-the- poor here in the Rio Grande Valley.

Thank you to all who came and provided such necessary assistance!

Please visit our website ( to learn more, and support us in all the ways you can.

Join Us in Advocacy

Advocacy efforts continue throughout the country. Several of us participated last month in an interfaith prayer vigil in Brownsville, TX at the border with Mexico. A Federal court subsequently ruled the good news that forcing legitimate asylum seekers to wait on the Mexico side of the border is unconstitutional. But the legal system is already delaying implementation of the ruling.

We pray that you will find ways to participate, even though crowds are not permitted to gather in these days. For example, please consider sending a letter to your state and federal legislators about the latest refugee issues. Here is a resource for sample advocacy letters:

How Can You Help?
  • Donate. Providing your financial support allows us to ensure all of our operations continue: housing families seeking asylum; providing these families all of the care they need; collecting and distributing necessities to refugees. Donate online or send to:
    PO Box 273
    Los Fresnos, TX 78566
  • Use our Amazon Smile link for shopping : Use this Amazon Smile link for any shopping you do with Amazon (not just
    donations): Amazon will donate .5% of the purchase price to SWGSM. Many of us are doing lots of online shopping these days, so please take this very small extra step to generate funds for SWGSM.
  • Always: raise your prayers to our Lord for people in desperate need.

Please continue to be Good Samaritans in these days. Stay healthy in all the recommended ways. Do what you can for those “in the ditch.”

We are people of hope. We are resolute in our efforts to do what we can for “the least of these,” just as Jesus was resolute in his days of temptation following his baptism. From there Jesus launched his ministry and carried it all the way to the cross, teaching us how to live a Godly life. From there Jesus rose to glory, granting everlasting life.

We are also on the road to resurrection. Thank you for journeying with us.

Your brother in Christ,

Rev. Feliberto Pereira
Founder and Executive Director

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