2024 Easter Newsletter Featured Image

Easter 2024 Newsletter

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He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed!

We sing our hallelujahs, as we stand in awe of the miracle of resurrection. It is fitting that we are metaphorically blinded by the light of that glory. Jesus left behind his flesh and blood journey on God’s good earth. Now for over 2,000 years, He has inspired so many of God’s children to follow. Jesus modeled for us what flesh and blood is able to achieve. Easter is what makes Jesus savior of the world, the Christ whose resurrection sealed the promise of everlasting life. Yet through the New Testament we learn that many of the things that Jesus did are things we can do. Jesus was glorified not for walking on water but for feeding and listening and loving. Turning away was not an option when Jesus saw a need.

You get this letter because turning away from the plight of asylum seekers and the poorest-of-the-poor here in the Rio Grande Valley was not an option for you either. Whether it has been for the decades-long life of this ministry or for a brief time of knowing us, and whether your offerings to us have been prayer or dollars or time and talent, you have modeled Jesus to those we serve.

We see here what can be achieved with the food, clothing, shelter, and legal/medical advocacy that your gifts make possible. The heavenly trinity of Father/Son/Spirit have blessed the work and sent you as a compassionate partner. Thank you for what you have given. I pray that God will continue to bless you, and encourage your continuing participation in our ministries.

In my prayers, my first words of gratitude to God always begin with thanks for the gift of Jesus. If each day God will help me be more like Jesus, the compassionate person in the flesh, God will have blessed me indeed. Every morning is Easter morning from now on, in compassionate gratitude for God’s greatest gift,

F. Feliberto Pereira, Director

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