Christmas 2022 Newsletter

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Christmas blessings, Friends,

No matter what obstacles and challenges we experience in life, we can awake to joy each day and end each day with an attitude of gratitude. Why? Because we recognize that God’s world went from “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” to “unto us a child is born”. From that birth onward, peace and hope and love planted a JOY that cannot be diminished.

It is that joy that makes us partners for the glory of God, that gives us the strength to persist in our pursuit of justice and compassion. It was with that joy that I embraced in humbled gratitude the 2022 recognition from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on World Humanitarian Day. That joy comes not from what I have been able to do in God’s name, but from what the recognition means for our ability to gain even more support from persons who might only now be learning of the work for refugees that is bearing fruit here in the Rio Grande Valley.

It is joy to work with our partners like Team Brownsville and La Posada Providencia. It is joy to receive generous grants and goods from so many churches and persons. By every measure of time, talent and treasure, we remain steadfast in our efforts to see God in each face we serve and to do what Jesus would do to assure their safety and comfort. So whether it is Julia from the Ukraine or Elias from El Salvador or Yosvel from Cuba or any of the hundreds of others we have ministered to in 2022, we know that each of you had a part in it through prayer and other support. As we have done for 40 years, we will continue to pray that God uses us for best purposes into the new year so that we can declare anew the

Wonders Of His Love!

Celebrating the Baby Jesus with you,

F. Feliberto Pereira, Director

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